“I’m hungry”. “What’s for dinner?” pause for lots of whining. A small child cries in the background. Folks are getting hangry. Your teenager is stuffing everything into his or her mouth that they can find. Does all this sound familiar? Do you just want to throw up your hands in despair? Well, fear not. I’ve got you covered. Easy, delicious, and hearty soup to the rescue.

Let’s talk about the best way to use those bits of leftover vegetables, little slices of cheese, that half carton of chicken broth left over from the other night, and a few forgotten cans of lentils or beans from your pantry or cupboard to make this ridiculously easy, delicious, and hearty everything left soup.

Hold on, don’t click out and go to McDonald’s online ordering. I promise this is quick, easy, and delicious.

This soup recipe that I am about to impart to you will do a couple of things for you and your family.

  1. First, aside from the fact that it is hearty and delicious, it is also super healthy.
  2. Second it will save you from excess food waste by using the leftover items that you have in your refrigerator.
  3. Third it makes a great tasty meal that everyone will love.

How is it sounding so far?

Now if soup is not your thing, this recipe might surprise you, I urge you to give it a whirl.

I looooove soup and could eat it anywhere, anytime, or anyplace. As a result of this unbridled passion for all things soup, I try to have it in my menu several times each month and in the winter months definitely once a week.

Let’s talk about soup as a definite go to staple in any meal or weekly menu.

There are many things to love about soup (oh, don’t get me started on this, because this post could potentially turn into a book), but for busy families, the fact that it saves time (and more often than not, money) is probably at the top of my list. Instead of spending hours cooking multiple dishes, I can simply toss a few ingredients into a pot and let them simmer. And if I’m short on time, there are plenty of quick, easy, and delicious soup recipes that can be on the table in under an hour. After you try my recipe below, check out one of my favorite sites for more easy, delicious, and hearty recipes.

In addition to being convenient, soup is also extremely versatile. Whether I’m looking for something hearty and filling or light and refreshing, soup will always fit my bill. Here is a great site for more tasty ideas.

Soup recipes are also great recipes for slow cookers and instant pots. There are a lot of really easy and delicious recipes out there. Just do an internet search for your preferred appliance and the possibilities will be endless.

If you need more convincing or inspiration, check out my post on slow cookers. In that post, I talk about why a slow cooker is one of my preferred kitchen gadgets and you will find some other ideas for getting a hearty and delicious meal on the table.

But enough about me, let’s get to the details.

This soup is best made at the end of the week or right before you go grocery shopping for the following reasons:

  • It helps you clean out and find all items in your fridge (leftover vegetables, both cooked and fresh, bits of cheese, or little splashes of broths) that you need to use before they spoil.
  • Cleaning out and finding the leftovers makes space in the refrigerator for the new items that you will be bringing home on your next market run.
  • It is a great meal to make after a harried week of work, kid activities, or any of the other 800 million things that we have to do.

How to create this delightful culinary concoction? Simply set aside approximately a half hour and follow the steps below.


And now for the recipe:

easy delicious and hearty soup

Everything Left Hearty Soup


This soup tastes as good as it looks and is loaded with vegetables, beans, and seasonings. Serve for a midday meal or pair it with crusty bread and salad for an amazing healthy dinner.



  • 1 onion
  • 3-4 cups of assorted chopped fresh vegetables (zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, or whatever you have available) If you have leftover cooked vegetables, you can also add these.
  • 1 small head of cabbage chopped
  • 2 13oz. can of beans (kidney, black, or white – whatever you have available) drained and rinsed
  • 6 cups broth (chicken, bone, or vegetable) You can adjust the liquid amount depending on how thick or thin you like your soup. You can also substitute 1 cup of water if you don’t quite have enough broth.
  • 4 minced cloves of garlic or 1 tsp. of garlic powder
  • 1 small can of tomato paste
  • 1 tsp. Thyme
  • ½ tsp oregano
  • ½ tsp. basil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


In a large soup pot, sauté fresh vegetables (not cabbage or cooked vegetables) in 1 tbsp of olive oil for 7-10 minutes on medium heat or until vegetables begin to soften. Watch closely so the vegetables do not burn.

Add cabbage and cooked vegetables if using.

Add the rest of the ingredients and bring the pot to a boil. After pot begins to boil, cover and turn to low for 30-40 minutes until vegetables are tender.

Taste and adjust seasonings if desired.

Top with grated cheese or crackers and serve with crusty bread or salad for a hearty meal.


The great thing about this soup is that it’s so versatile. You can add in any vegetables you have on hand or use a different broth to change up the flavor. I like to make a big pot for dinner and enjoy the leftovers for lunch throughout the week.

So, there you have it – a ridiculously easy, delicious, and hearty vegetable soup that is perfect for a busy day. It’s also great for a chilly winter day after out and about on the slopes or holiday shopping.

homemade bread

And now if I have inspired you or if you’re feeling really ambitious, for the crusty bread why not try making your own bread recipe? I will have a delicious easy way to make homemade bread in a future post. OH, I smell the aroma now. Stay tuned.

Until then give this easy, delicious, and hearty soup recipe a try and let me know what you think!



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