This post is all about statements your wife never wants to hear.

Today my hubby came home and said that our darling, wonderful son asked my husband to ask my daughter-in-law (wonderful son’s wife) what she did all day. Oh, the nerve. They have three children, ages 6, 3 and 1. Now my son knows better than to ask that, and my hubby would never, ever go there, and I know they were both kidding and said it tongue in cheek, but it got me thinking.

Are there things that just should not be said to a wife? My answer is a resounding yes. There are some phrases or words that should never be said. However, after years of spending time together and knowing each other inside out, a spouse is bound to let at least one of these remarks slip through their lips.

Whether you’re married for five days or 50 years, the following 11 phrases directed at your wife should never come out of your mouth.


“It must be nice to stay home all day and do nothing.”


The age-old assumption that staying home all day means doing absolutely nothing. Oh, if only it were that simple!

Home can be just as busy a place as any other, with never-ending chores and errands, kids and pets demanding attention, and the never-ending battle against the mountainous laundry pile.

So next time your husband remarks that staying home all day and doing nothing must be nice, just give him a little smile. You know the truth.


“What do you do with all of your free time?”


If your husband asks you this question, a clever response would be:

Ah yes, all of my free time. Well, let’s see…I like to spend the first hour deciding what to do and then another hour getting lost in social media. After that, I typically contemplate life, the universe, and everything. You know, the essential things. Like why guacamole costs extra at Chipotle.

Eventually, I’ll decide to be productive and start a project, but then get sidetracked by a video of a cat playing the piano. Oh, and napping. Lots and lots of napping.

So yeah, that’s what I do with all of my free time. Why do you ask?

All kidding aside, free time? What is it exactly? Is it where you have absolutely nothing to do? In that case, there really is no such thing, especially if you have a household to run. Just memorize the above paragraph for when you need to respond to such a ridiculous question.


“The house is a mess.”


If there’s one thing I’ve learned about married life, it’s that there are specific phrases or sayings we wives do not want to hear. And “the house is a mess” is definitely one of those things.

I mean, come on, guys – did you really think your comment would be met with a warm embrace and a “thank you for noticing dear” response? Nope. You’ll likely be greeted with a withering look that could kill a cactus, followed by a snappy retort (and possibly an object being thrown in the direction of your head).

So, the next time your husband says this to you, simply don a big grin, put a broom or a dishcloth in his hand, and sweetly say, “Well, you are not doing anything right now.”


“It’s not like you’re working.”


Those infamous words of a husband to his hardworking wife – “It’s not like you’re working.” Now, let’s break down the logic here. Since when is taking care of a household, children, and possibly even a job not considered work?

Running a house is like running a small business – budgeting, planning, and organizing everyday tasks. And let’s remember the mental and emotional labor of being a parent and partner.

So, the next time you think of uttering those words, remember all your wife does for you and your family.

“What do you do all day?”


You might think you’re just making casual conversation but let me tell you – that question is like a ticking time bomb unless you want to witness a full-blown breakdown.

You might as well be asking, “So, what have you done today that justifies you staying home and watching Netflix instead of working a real job?” Trust me; it’s a question you don’t want to go down. Play it safe; assume your wife is doing amazing things all day, and leave it at that.

“You’re lucky you don’t have to work. I’d kill to be able to stay home all day.”

“You’re lucky you don’t have to work. I’d kill to be able to stay home all day.” Would you, really? First, let’s hope you’re kidding about the whole killing thing. Secondly, have you ever tried staying home all day with kids? It’s like being the ringmaster of a circus, except the performers constantly demand snacks and wardrobe changes.

The next time your husband feels the urge to mention how envious he is of your “easy” lifestyle, remind him—everyone deserves a little R&R, but no one’s life is as perfect as it may seem from the outside.

“You’re with the kids all day; how hard can it be?”


Yes, the question that every husband seems to ask his wife at some point is: “You’re with the kids all day; how hard can it be?” Well, let me tell you, dear husband, it’s more complicated than you think. It’s like trying to herd cats while also being the snack provider, the referee, the chauffeur, and the crisis management team all at once.

And let’s remember the emotional labor of ensuring everyone is happy and healthy while maintaining some semblance of sanity. So no, it’s not easy.

If your husband says this to you, simply display that big smile again and politely say, “Well, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities to discover just how difficult it can be. Maybe even as early as tomorrow.”

“I’m sure it’s hard being at home with the kids all day, but it’s not like you’re doing anything important.”


Stay-at-home parenting is one of the toughest jobs in the world, both physically and emotionally. Juggling between feeding babies, cleaning up after them, and trying to strike a work-life balance can be daunting. It’s an all-consuming job that requires patience, love, and attention 24/7.

Your wife might not be out there earning a salary, but she is doing something of immense value – raising children, creating a home, and providing stability to the family.

“Don’t you get bored being at home all day?”


Husbands, listen up: you should never ask your wife if she’s bored. It’s like poking a bear – you know it won’t end well for you. Instead, try walking in her fuzzy house slippers for a day.

See if you can handle the endless cycle of laundry, dishes, and trying to keep the kids from burning the house down. Or better yet, offer to take over for a day and let your wife have some well-deserved time to herself.

Trust me, not only will you avoid the wrath of an overworked spouse, but you might even gain some appreciation for all the hard work she does.

“Must we go out to eat? Can’t you just make something at home?”


Guys, again be mindful of what you say to your wife. Asking her if she could make something at home instead of eating out is like asking a fish to climb a tree.

Let’s face it, we all love a fancy dinner out occasionally. Plus, when you dine out, there are no dishes to clean up! And trust me, your wife deserves a night out of the kitchen occasionally, too.

So, if you want to avoid making yourself a sandwich, let her decide if she’s in the mood to cook – Just a tiny tip from your friendly blogger.

“The laundry needs to be done.”


Gentlemen, let me give you some advice – saying “the laundry needs done” to your wife won’t win you any points. Now, you may be thinking you’re just being helpful by pointing out the obvious, but let me tell you – your wife is well aware of the laundry situation. She doesn’t need you to state the obvious.

Instead of uttering this dreadful phrase, why don’t you offer to help? Trust me – your wife will appreciate the offer much more than the statement. And who knows – you may become a laundry folding pro in the process.

Final Thoughts on Statements Your Wife Never Wants to Hear


Well, there you have it! 11 horrible statements that your wife never ever wants to hear. Husbands take note – it’s marketing 101: know your audience and craft a perfect message every time. 

Hopefully, this article has been a comedic breath of fresh air and next time you find yourself uttering one of these phrases (or any other misSTEP!), remember they all stem from one thing: good intentions but not enough thought.

Think and focus on formulating internal respect for your wife rather than using external phrases or terms that may be disrespectful and demeaning. That’s undoubtedly something worthwhile contemplating next time you want to open your mouth before engaging your brain.



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