This post is all about Toastmasters International and great table topics ideas and questions.
Are you impressed by those who can get up and speak to the public? While some are born with this gift, most folks must develop it. So how on earth, you ask, would you learn how to be a great public speaker?
Enter an organization called Toastmasters International. Toastmasters International is an organization that has clubs in nearly every city and all different countries around the world. Some clubs have specific membership requirements, while others allow anyone to join. The main goal of Toastmasters is to provide club members with tools and opportunities to practice public speaking in a supportive and learning environment.
Club meetings are usually held each week and throughout the year. The meetings last an hour and typically consist of the Toastmaster presenting the word of the day, followed by 1 – 2 speeches, each critiqued by an evaluator. An ah-grammarian counts filler words and reports at the end. The meeting is structured in this way to provide the speaker with maximum feedback on their speaking abilities to strengthen and help the speaker gain confidence.
A segment called Table Topics is introduced during the last half of all Toastmasters meetings. Those in attendance who do not have a speaking role are invited to speak on a particular theme or question that the table topics master gives them. This segment is designed to help participants learn how to speak extemporaneously. Sometimes, this takes participants entirely out of their comfort zone, and the chosen speakers always have the option to decline.
Table topics can be on any topic, such as air conditioning, summer vacation, license plates, a hot air balloon, Chinese fortune cookies, or a favorite thing. The table topics master will call upon participants. These individuals are then given a time limit of 1-2 minutes to answer the question given.
At the end of the segment, club members are given small pieces of paper to vote on who should be given the best table topics speaker award. The winner is then brought to the front, congratulated, and given a ribbon to show their accomplishment. New members and guests are always asked if they would like to participate, as this is an excellent introduction to public speaking.
If you are assigned the Table Topics Master role for your next meeting and are struggling with questions or ideas, I have compiled a list of questions and topics to help get your creative juices flowing. You can use these table topics questions and ideas just as they are or as a springboard to dive deeper into a topic. Whichever you choose, I hope you find something useful on my list and have fun coming up with ideas and questions surrounding these ten topics.
Great Table Topics Ideas and Questions for Your Next Meeting
Pick a Song: Select a popular song and ask the participants to talk about what the song means to them or why they like it. This idea works well for music lovers.
Finish the Story: Start telling a story, and just when it gets exciting, stop and ask someone to finish it. This Table Topic idea will test participants’ creativity and storytelling skills.
Time Travel: Ask participants to imagine going back in time or forward. Let them choose an event or year they would like to visit. They can then talk about what they would do or why they chose that period.
What’s in the box? Place a box or container in the center of the room, and tell the participants they can be anything they want to be in it. They can describe who they would be, their personality, what they would do, etc.
The Bad: Most table topics focus on positive issues. Why not switch it up? Ask participants to talk about a bad experience or habit they want to eliminate and what they are doing to overcome it.
The Movie: Ask participants to describe a movie that impacted or changed their lives. They can discuss the characters, the storyline, and why they loved it.
The Learner: Ask participants to talk about a skill they wish they had or are in the process of learning. They can describe its benefits, their progress, and how they plan to keep learning.
In the Headlines: Choose random headlines from the newspaper or online and ask participants to discuss them. It can be an exciting way to talk about current affairs.
My Favorite: Ask participants to choose a favorite item, such as a food item, sport, or hobby, and talk about why they love it and how it has impacted their life.
The Pet: Ask participants to describe their dream or current pet. They can talk about their pets’ habits, likes and dislikes, and what they have learned from them.
In conclusion, Table Topics is an excellent way to help people learn and practice impromptu speaking skills. With these ten unique table topic ideas, each meeting can be exciting and informative. You can take these ideas and adapt them to suit your club’s needs and themes. Furthermore, it is essential to remember that a table topic should be engaging and challenging enough to help people improve their speaking skills. So, don’t be hesitant to explore new and exciting topics to help your club members grow.
Toastmasters International is a great organization full of welcoming and friendly people. If you want to learn more about this organization or attend a meeting in your area, you can find a club by clicking on the link below.
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