This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you purchase something through one of these links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. This post is all about the best tips for an adult trip to Disneyland. Disneyland is often...
11 Horrible Statements Your Wife Never Wants to Hear
This post is all about statements your wife never wants to hear. Today my hubby came home and said that our darling, wonderful son asked my husband to ask my daughter-in-law (wonderful son's wife) what she did all day. Oh, the nerve. They have three children, ages 6,...
How to Start a Book Club That Everyone Will Admire and Want to Join Immediately in 2023
This post is all about how to start a book club. Do you want to make new friends? Do you want to deepen friendships that you already have? How about sharing your passion for reading with someone? Do you want to create the opportunity to read and discuss...
5 Ways to Deal with Disappointment so You Can Get Back to Your Amazing Life
Ah, the bitter reality of plans gone wrong and how to deal with disappointment. My loyal fans all know that I am a big proponent of planning. If you don’t plan, it does not happen. But what happens when those plans go off track? If you have read my blog for the past 4...
7 Fun Ways to Celebrate This 4th of July Weekend
The 4th of July. One of my favorite holidays. It happens smack dab in the middle of summer and the weather is usually magnificent. This year the 4th is on Monday which is even better. That means an extra long weekend to enjoy time off from work, family, and holiday...
Our Park City Excursion in Utah’s Playground for the Rich and Famous
This last week we went on a four-day excursion to Park City, Utah’s playground for the rich and famous. Why the distinction of the rich and famous? Well, Park City is home to numerous celebrities, Olympians, and professional athletes. But what if you are not famous or...