About Me

We are living life at Mount Vernon.
There is a big world out there with lots to do and see. I did not realize this until I consciously began living my days with purpose. Hi I’m Julie. I am a wife, mother, grandmother, and business owner. My days were harried, stressful, and sometimes boring. I felt that each day was a slightly different version of the previous day.
One particular day I was lying in my comfortable bed when I turned over and looked at my phone. To my semi-shock I realized that it was 11:00. An entire morning had almost passed. I had done nothing, read nothing, eaten nothing, or any other kind of nothing. My house was messy, the dishes were undone, I had not talked to any of the folks that matter in my life, I had not worked on my business, and I found myself feeling apathetic and unhappy. Lying there wallowing in misery, I began to calculate the hours I was wasting either in bed or channel surfing on the sofa. Holy Cow! I then began to list all the things that I wanted to do, to see, and to learn. Realizing that just by getting up at 8:00 am., three hours earlier, I would have added 21 extra hours to my week. Now I didn’t lay in bed until 11:00 am every morning but I definitely did not rise at 8:00 am either.
This began my journey to “Get Up and Live Life.” Now I can confidently say that I get up every morning much earlier than I used to, my house is clean, and I have the whole day to connect with my family in meaningful ways, cook tasty and healthy dinners, read, learn to play my piano, plan exciting travel, have lunch with family and friends, go to movies, and the list goes on and on.
After coming through one of the most stressful times in modern history, I discovered that there were countless others just like me who want to get more out of their days, feel happy, satisfied, and fulfilled. Thus began my quest for a way that I could help. My Get Up and Live Life blog was born.
Every week I aim to give you the tools to get your house in order, discover new and exciting things in and around your community, travel on exciting vacations, and connect with friends and family in more unique and meaningful ways. In other words, to help you get up and discover the life that you are meant to live.
I am happy to have you on this journey with me as we move our lives to new heights. We will discover new and useful gadgets, interesting places to visit, fun ways to connect with family and friends, and much more. Each night as you go to bed, I want you to feel satisfaction for the amazing day that you have had and go to sleep with anticipation for the coming day.