Oh, summer is here my friends. Can you hear the birds singing, smell the flowers blooming, hear the crack of the bat at a baseball game, feel the sun on you as you sit outside? There are water activities, leisurely reading by the poolside, camping trips, outside movie nights, stargazing, trips to relatives, vacations, and the list goes on and on. These are just some of the things that I associate with a fantastic summer.
Do you have a favorite summer activity, or is summer a more stressful time because everyone is at home, and no one is helping around the house?
This might have been true for my mom. I’m not sure that I helped as much as I should have, and because we lived on a farm there were increased chores for her in the summertime. Also, I remember planning my hours and hours of crafting sessions in front of the TV. UGH!
My adult son was recently telling my husband that he doesn’t ever remember us going on any fantastic summer vacations. Well, we did, although they were far and few between because summers were extra busy with traveling baseball and increased business, at our family-owned auto repair shop, due to the hot weather.
While reflecting on all the past summers as a kid and how we spent summers when my children were younger, I decided that I was going to take a more active role in planning. There are always things that I wished we would have done but because we didn’t plan for it, those things never happened.
This summer is different. It’s all planned with three exciting vacations, backyard BBQs with friends we don’t get to see very often, a cousin reunion (so that we see each other at a place other than a funeral), a weekly walk with a couple of my neighborhood friends, 4 Shakespeare Festival productions, the State Fair and miscellaneous other smaller events thrown in.
Now, I don’t want you to think that I am going to let my blog posting slack in the summer. No siree, I will still be here researching and giving you fresh new content to read on a regular basis.
However, while I really want you to read my latest content each week, I also want you to have a fun and full summer just like the one that I have planned for my family this year.
You can create your version of a fantastic summer by using the following three ideas to plan fun activities that you, and your family or friends will enjoy.
Plan What You Want to Do for a Fantastic Summer
You know the adage “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” While I don’t agree with this statement 100%, I do think that you need a plan. Maybe not down to every detail, but you should get together with your family and decide on the must-do things. Ask each member of your family what they would like to do most. Add in trips to the movies, the park, swimming, and to your local library. Also schedule regular playdates and time for free play. Then get your calendar out and pencil all this in. If your plans involve big vacations, start the process by nailing down dates, reservations, and airfare if applicable. To summarize this process, follow these steps:
- ask family members what activities they would most like to do this summer
- schedule any summer camps or music lessons
- add in activities such as picnics, trips to the library, park, or zoo
- schedule playdates or activities with best friends
- put all of this on a calendar and break it down into a weekly schedule
By planning fun and exciting activities, you are sure to make this summer your most memorable one yet.

Save Screen Time for the Big Screen or When You Have to be Inside (Like the Winter or When its Raining)
Summer is the perfect budget friendly season. Don’t spend it laying around, get up and live it. You can create a whole afternoon by enjoying things such as nearby playgrounds or neighborhood pools. It is also the perfect time to take in an indoor or outdoor movie. When the temperatures climb, a climate-controlled movie theater might be just the thing that can make the scorching summer afternoons bearable. Also, many theaters also play family friendly movies for a bundled price. Call your local theater and see if they offer any fantastic summer viewing programs.
But, when you are not at the movies, life can still be hectic and it’s easy to just want to veg out in front of the TV. There are so many good reasons to get outside instead! First, you’ll get some much-needed Vitamin D from all that glorious sunshine. Research has shown that spending time in the sun can improve your mood, increase your energy levels, and even help you to sleep better at night. Plus, there are just so many more things to do outside! When you feel like relaxing in front of the TV try one or two of the following:
- go for a hike
- go to the park
- take a dip in the nearest pool
- people watch
- go bird watching
- take a walk around your neighborhood and look at all the flowers in bloom
- plant a vegetable or flower garden
- visit all the tourist’s attractions in your hometown
- go to the nearest body of water and take in the scenery
- take your pet for a walk
- sit on your deck, patio, or under a shade tree and take in all that nature has to offer
- read a book (here are some of my favorites)
If you need some additional motivation to turn off the TV this article published by Everyday Health has some interesting information, and next time you’re feeling tempted to veg out inside, why not head outside instead? You’ll be glad you did!

Streamline Your Summer Housecleaning Chores and Meal Planning
With everyone home in the summer there is a greater chance of more clutter and bigger messes. This does not have to be the case. Remember that summertime is all about the fun, trying new things, and going to new places. It is not the time for deep or detailed cleaning every week.
In order to keep your house tidy, you must plan for this also. Do these things every day (These things can be assigned to household members):
- Make the beds
- Clean the Kitchen
- Do one load of laundry
- Declutter for 15 minutes
Do these five things every week (These can also be delegated):
- clean the bathrooms
- take out all trash
- dust
- vacuum
- change sheets
If you stick to these routines and everyone pitches in to do their part, your house will stay relatively tidy, and you all will have time to enjoy these wonderful days without a rigid school or sports schedule.
Along with keeping the house tidy you also need a plan for how to feed everyone. Plan for simple meals that you can get on the table quickly. These include:
- Tacos
- BBQ hamburgers
- Pizza
- Fresh Fruit and Vegetable salads and sides
- Instant pot or slow cooker meals
One of my favorite websites for easy, delicious meals is The Salty Marshmallow. Check out their recipes when you need something tasty for the table.
Summer is a time to relax and enjoy the weather, but it can also be a fantastic opportunity to create memories that will last a lifetime. With just a little bit of planning, you can make sure your summer is fantastic. Begin today by mapping out some fun events, getting outside for some fresh air, and scheduling in some routine chores and dinners. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying all that summer has to offer!